Tikahtnu Plant Symposium
The Tikahtnu Plant Symposium will be held via Zoom webinar. Once registration is confirmed, participants will receive additional information by email. The link to the event will arrive a day prior to the start of the symposium.
The Tikahtnu Plant Symposium – hosted by Southcentral Foundation, promotes Indigenous knowledge with hands-on activity demonstrations, that encourage a holistic approach to wellness.
Tikahtnu Plant Symposium participants will learn:
– How to sustain more natural resources by connecting with culture, environment and increase self-sufficiency.
– Best practices and knowledge for a higher intake of nutrient-dense foods.
– Ways to engage in higher levels of physical activity.
– How to improve mental health and overall well-being.
Qualify for continuing education/continuing medical education units.
Contact Traditional Healing at Tikahtnuplantsymposium@southcentralfoundation.com or 907-729-4958 if you have questions.
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