President/CEO Contact

To our SCF family and community:

I am humbled by the trust placed in me to serve Southcentral Foundation as President/CEO. I was born and raised in southcentral Alaska and began my career at Southcentral Foundation in 2003. As a CIRI shareholder of Athabascan descent, I experience our health care system from both the customer-owner and employee perspective. I know the strength and resilience of our peoples and I believe wholeheartedly in our ability to work together to achieve wellness. Over these last two decades, I have also developed a great appreciation for the dedication of Southcentral Foundation’s board, workforce, customer-owners and partners. We have an incredible legacy to build on and I look forward to continuing to make a difference in the lives of many.

Having transitioned into this role from Southcentral Foundation’s Vice President Leadership Team, I am confident in our coordination of efforts to ensure seamless operations within our Nuka System of Care. Relationship building and communication with our community will continue to be priorities. Your involvement is essential to providing the highest quality, customer-owned services.

With heartfelt thanks,

April Kyle, MBA


For general questions and contact, please use the form located here.

For solicitations please contact Ileen Sylvester at (907) 729-4916

For employee grievances please call Human Resources at (907) 729-4977

For other grievances please call our toll free Hotline at 1 (877) 837-4251

To Contact April Kyle:

If you wish to contact April directly and your concern does not fit the criteria above, please fill out this form and click ‘Submit’:

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