Tips for Keeping Frequently Used Items Clean and Sanitized
By Public Relations Specialist Esther Robertson
Did you know that even though a surface is clean, it may not be sanitized? It is important to stay vigilant against COVID-19 by practicing Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations and keeping your household clean and sanitized.
Use a cleaner that contains soap, which helps to reduce germs on surfaces and decreases risks of infection. This can help remove virus particles. Be sure to follow product instructions. Clean high-touch surfaces throughout your home daily, especially if a household member is sick. Some areas to focus on are doorknobs, light switches, phones, tables, and countertops.
To help make cleaning electronics easier, consider using a wipeable cover for items, such as phones, tablets, and keyboards. Follow manufacturer instructions for cleaning electronics to avoid damaging them.
Clean soft surfaces like carpets, rugs, and curtains with soap and water. Some items may be laundered with warm water. Vacuum rugs and carpeted areas as needed. Wash any laundry with warm water and dry completely.

Clean and sanitize frequently-touched surfaces, such as door handles, in your home.
Be sure to clean laundry baskets regularly.
Disinfect with products that contain at least 60% alcohol and follow directions on the product label. Clean visibly dirty surfaces before sanitizing. Many products recommend keeping the surface saturated with the disinfectant for a few minutes for the surface to be fully sanitized. After sanitizing, be sure to wash your hand thoroughly with soap and water for 20 seconds.
Check the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s List N of disinfectants to make sure your product is effective against COVID-19.
For more information about cleaning and sanitation, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.